Feladat: B.4637 Korcsoport: 18- Nehézségi fok: nehéz
Füzet: 2014/május, 316. oldal  PDF  |  MathML 
Témakör(ök): Feladat, Feltételes valószínűség, események
Hivatkozás(ok):Feladatok: 2014/május: B.4637

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Sir Bedevir will only enter in a tournament if he is certain that he will win with a probability of at least 1/2. In any combat of two knights, the probability of the victory of the parties are proportional to their fighting potentials. Bedevir's fighting potential is 1, and that of his nth opponent is 12n+1-1. How many knights may have entered in the tournament if Bedevir, having carried out some careful calculations, also decided to enter?