Feladat: 2474. fizika feladat Korcsoport: 14-15 Nehézségi fok: átlagos
Füzet: 1990/április, 193. oldal  PDF  |  MathML 
Témakör(ök): Egyenletes mozgás (Egyenes vonalú mozgások), Feladat
Hivatkozás(ok):Feladatok: 1990/április: 2474. fizika feladat

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Paul and Peter start from town A to town B at the same time. They proceed with constant velocity one of them by car, the other using a bicycle. After a certain time the following can be established: Had Peter traveled three times his present velocity, then he would be at half of the distance from town B, than is now. On the other side if Paul had traveled with half of his present velocity, he would have three times distance to town B, than he has now. What is the name of the cyclist?