Füzet: 1995/május, 299. oldal  PDF  |  MathML 
Témakör(ök): Kürschák József (korábban Eötvös Loránd)
Hivatkozás(ok):Feladatok: 1994/február: 1993. évi Kürschák matematikaverseny 1. feladata

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1. Let us denote by λ (where λ>1) the ratio of the sides of a parallelogram. Find, in terms of λ, the maximum possible measure of the acute angle formed by the diagonals. 2. Consider the diagonals of a convex n-gon. Upon omitting any n-3 of them, prove that among the remaining diagonals there are n-3 ones that do not intersect inside the polygon. On the other hand, show that one can always omit n-2 diagonals so that the previous assertion is not true anymore. 3. We are given the sets H1,H2,...,Hn. The set Hk (k=1,2,...,n) consists of k pairwise disjoint intervals of the real line. Prove that among the intervals that form the sets Hk one can find [(n+1)/2] pairwise disjoint ones, each of which belongs to a different set Hk. ([x] denotes the largest integer that is less than or equal to x.)